Page name: Storm Lovers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-07-24 01:05:01
Last author: maddydukes72
Owner: maddydukes72
# of watchers: 16
D20: 19
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[maddydukes72]- Storms Kick ass, and i'll kick yours if you fuck with my wiki!
remmeber: You must love storms to be here, so if you dont, go away!

Remember that Members MUST:
Add thier own name
and add one of the banners from Storm Banners

1.[Kurus_Dreaon] my loves storms....THEY ARE GREAT!!!!
2.[schizoid] just seeing those green skies ans black wall clouds is enough!
3.[Cloudwatcher] storms..bwhahaha "lets all jump into a tornado!!! and then ride it! whooohoooooo!!!!"
4.[Cliché] I love storms!!!!! They kick ass!!!!!!
5.[emmerlicious] storms are what calm me down! the rain just makes everything go away. . .
6.[Alkor] $torms r FUNFUN
7.[In a Yellow Submarine] I love storms, the rain is so calming...
8.[Skife] I just love to go out and watch a lightning storm
9.[Kisama] - ThunderStorms are my most Inspiring Inspiration...yeah thats right..
10.[Fractured Heart] The rain always makes me sad... reminding me of things I once had. :( But I still love storms!
11.[Lodemai]...*sings "im only happy when it rains!"*
12.[Kitten Leath Feral] *sighs* There is nothing like the wind blowing through your hair while rain pours down about you.
13.[Eschew Obfuscation] the perfect soundtrack is a raging storm
14.[Burning tears never ending fears]....I LOVE STORMS...
15.[?katgirl?] me wuvs storms...its fun to walk in the rain...
16.[IndigoRose] With all the severe storms going on would take one who really loves them not to be sick of them.
17.[Gemini of the Black Rose] I've lived through lots of storms.
18.[Stormqueen] if you see my name...still wondering if I should love storms?
19[Marhiah] I LOVE STORMS but never get them in az. =\ but hey its monsoon season!
20.[Leelo] I love storms, love to sit and watch them, especially a good ol hard core thunder storm
22.[rustyrose2] wiiiiiind! cool, thoughtful, calming wiiiind! :D
23. [Luthien88] storms are cool...^_^
24. [Erutan] From even the smallest of storms enough energy can be collected to power a city... just look at my name and you can tell that I Love STORMS!
25. [Blue Highway] In my bio it says I want to be a stormchaser when I grow up. I'm 39, thought I was crazy...this wiki shows I'm NOT!
26. [Night Wytch] I love storms. While a storm is doin its thing i stay calm while everyone else freaks out!
27. [fightingxtofu] ht emost peaceful times for me.
28. [DoneWithET] badda bap bap ba! i love them
29. [*~Melso~*] theres nuthin better than seeing lightning @ night!!!...well with some exceptions lol
30. [Cam Static] I like watching the lightning..
31.[Kit Azhure] Storms are so entrancing you could watch them forever.
32.[thievious racoon] I LOVE STORMS!! a tornado hovered over my house once and ever since I'm obsessed with tornados, lighting, rain, wind..I LOVE IT ALL! XD <--me watching storms!!
33.[The Dark Lord]ummm.....
34.[metallickittycat] ^-.-^\
35. [PunkerOfTheBand] where's a tree i can climb to get a better look....
36.[GOREgouseXhex] Storms are so peaceful....
37.[Sarah Serenade] I just absolutely LOVE storms! They're so fun to watch! Wind storms with lighting rule! tehehe
38. [Bloody Rainbow] i love watching the lighting strike and hearing the thunder..
39. [Four Winged Fox] I love the thunder, lighting, and tornados of spring and summer. SO calming.....
40.[Shee A'beanne Alainn] I love thunder, and lightning, its best a night, a better relaxing
41.[Vampirian] I love lightning and tornados. There so fun to watch. And its really cool if you get a super storm then it looks like day in the middle of the night.
42.[angelic damnation]...
43.[Nite_Owl] thunder, lightning, rain,'s all good to me ^_^
44.[Idono Texist] the only thing Iowa is good for, weather wise...storms....lightning...*giggles*
45.[ViciousLegato] i absolutly love storms especially at night time when i go to sleep, or real early in the morning ^^ go thunder!
46.[VINNI_] thunder looks so kewl..i wonder what it would be get hit with one.. *thinks* ow..thinking hurts..
47.[Tableau Vivant] I can't help but feeling good when there's a storm
48. [x I Love Bam28 x] storms r sick and i was born in the middle of a hurricane bob
49.[Benign_Plague] when you can feel the energy in the air, and you know there is a storm coming, and you can smell it... you know fun is coming.
50.[Althanas] Nothing better than the energy that hangs in the air of a good strom.
51. storm is my favourite explosion of natures enourmous energies..
52.[Kisama] - Storms are my inspration for everything i do, I love hearing the Thunder Boom and the Lightning Crack. It is sooo relaxing.
53.[The Jesus Fetus] I love the sounds of lightning and watching the awesome thunder (boy if that isn't the most retarded fuckin' thing you've ever heard)
54.[~Knives~] i just love the rain and lightning
55.[kambabyy]I love storms.... :P
56.[Ichi] STORMS ROCK!!!!!
57.[ray666] Storms kick patootie!
58. [black magic 45] storms are awesome. The bigger they are, the better they are. I love watching them. They are so pretty.
59.[MRbOjAnGlEs]when its stornming it makes it easier to sleep
60.[Suicide Club] I'm always happy when there is a storm
61.[lil_half_demon] Thunder and Rain!!!
62.[straylight run] sit in the middle of a lightning storm
63.[Smile Addiction]
64. [lostgurl158]
65.[$T0®M] its all in the name!
66. [_|| (( )) ||\\||] u know wats fun sittin in a boat on a lake during a thunder storm
67. [TeXaS~ChIcK*] Storms are awesome!
68.[Sweet 6 6 6--H.I.M.] love storms they make me happy
69. [Lycanthrope Heart] I love storms, they caklm me down
71. [Indigo Butterfly]
72. [Arlin_Aster] I LOVE
73. [sealaryn] I LOVE TORNADOES and Lightning Storms all of the goddess power displayed is AMAZING YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
STORMS...speshaly rain storms ^-^
74. [Abstract Circle] Gotta love the thunder storms. ;)
75. [Magickal Hatred] Storms in general... Any type, but especially thunderstorms with those magnificent flashes of pure white lightning...
76. [Vintersorg] Tornadoes... beautiful!
77. [Frivalicious] storm lover...
78. [~wee~] Storms are one of the best things thats ever happened to this world.
79. [Green_Elf] think this thing speaks for itself
80. [wanker]Storms are wicked i just love um!
81. [GeshemYehod] oohh...see the pretty rain.
82. [cobwebb] oooh hurricanes and lighning...sooo prettiful ^^
84. [Elisa Day] aaah, storm tomorrow! me love storms..!
86. [deja vu, mi amor] the rain is beautiful
87. [Nymph_Goddess] i love all things stormy
88. [lindurion]i respect them, I love them... GOO STORMS.
89. [StumbleineFaith]
90.[Kanza] lol peeps remove me if im already on here! the rain and storm as the wind whips ur hair its a great feeling!
91. [Selene Saint Clair]
92. [lillyeyes] its hard not to be facinated by the power. It is crazy beautiful how in an instant an night is overpower by the light.
93. [Snowflame]
94. [msrosie] the flashes of light mean we're not alone.....
95. [DarkDeath] I love the sound of the rain falling to the earth and the sound and beauty of the lighting flashing....
96. [Denny Jojomojolojo]
97. [Wrath of the phoenix] I love the rain, I love the cold, I love the storms especially!!!!
98. [swimmer_06]]I LOVE storms especially the lightning!
99.[irishcupido] STORMS ARE FUCKING AWSOME!!!
100th MEMBER!!!100. [Yngwie can't touch this™] whoo! lightning!
102.[DeadInMyOwnMind~]lightning how the color is so purdy lol
103.[xdizzygoogirlx] im a storm chaser. storms are incredible
104. [Spookykidd] i'm a photographer, and storms are some of the most beautiful things on this planet.. and make for some of the best one time shots!
105. [Sad and Broken Heart] Storms are the best thing that have ever happened...
106: [puppy eared demon] I love to take walks out in rain and snowstorms. My friends think i'm crazy (not that im not...)
107. [Bruna]
108. [Mania Rage] Lightning's pretty. I play in the rain. If I could choose my death, I would want to die by getting struck by lighting ^_^
109.[DawnUnicorn] Love the brooding atmosphere that comes with a storm.. and the calm before and after...
110.[Danger1] I love watching a storm pass it calms me down^_^
113.[broody hero]
114.[CHRISTIAN HIPPY] it is so calming to sit in the forest and watching the lightning and letting the rain splash in your face
115.[Blasphemous Rumours] Storms are so peaceful to me. Calming.
116.[breath of wind] I love sitting outside and watching lightning play in the distance.
117.[GypsyMoon] Storms turn me on.
118.[dead-priestess] the thunder, the rain all perfect and beautiful in their own way.
119.[darklihannah]storms are awesome!!!
120.[Magdalena Snow]
121. [goneawayagain] oh ya storms are awesome! awesome ! awesome! ^_^
122. I once walked the dog, and got into the biggest storm ever. There was thunder and also wind. The wind was the most awesome part of the storm. I could lean against the wind while the thunder thunderes. I loved immediatley !
123. [kumiko fox_demon] -Stands outside watching storm-
122. [BlackRose69] I love watching storms from far away
123. [Andris the Magic Swordsman] Lightning is the coolest. <_<  >_> i tresspassing?
124. [raven1777] So I like storms... Is that bad???
125. [Akurei_Kitsune] - *Stands still watching storm* 8F *spaced out and drooling*
126. [Ophelia_Ogaard]
127. [pagan virgin sacrifice] I'm an earth sign and I need storms to help my garden (aka my soul) grow.
128. [Wes Foxx] I grew up watching beautiful thunderstorms rolling over Lake Michigan, but I'm terrified of deadly storms.
129. [stuffAEAmade] I love watching all the lightning... just the way everything gets so quite before a storm rolls in
131. [Corpse_Bride]
132. [West Coast Punker]
133. [~Nyx~] Thundering storms gives me
peace of mind, and a restfull soul....:)
134.[murderdolls play thing 13]mmmmmm stormage!fun fun!
135. [Rocker Gurl]
135. [--Insert interesting person here--] god that was a lot to scroll through!
136. [--poop--] I hate sunny days. There should be more stormy nights.
147. [Divinedragoon Dart] I love hurricanes
148. [speakyourwords] I wanted 2 stay outside during a thunderstorm.... they wouldn't let me :(
149.[BaBiiPhAtGrL09] ilove thunderstorms because sometimes they help my problems by describing how i actually emotional thoughts
150.[Account No Longer Active] Living in the Lighting capital of the world! Orlando Fl.

EVERYONE HAS BEEN MOVED TO More Storm Lovers Go Add Youself There!!

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2004-07-28 [Kurus_Dreaon]: kk...will do...might put a link here if you would put us on there *cough*

2004-07-28 [maddydukes72]: lol, smooth

2004-07-28 [Kurus_Dreaon]: i know.....go me hehe

2004-07-29 [Leelo]: Howdy everyone, i just added myself

2004-07-30 [maddydukes72]: hello

2004-07-30 [Kurus_Dreaon]: sweetness...welsome then...and i fixed the whole name list ppl wont get sonfused....ive noticed that in a lot of places....hopefully now it will be neater...i hope

2004-07-30 [maddydukes72]: thanks, ur the BEST

2004-07-30 [Leelo]: ok

2004-07-30 [Kurus_Dreaon]: no not the best...not even close

2004-07-30 [maddydukes72]: in my book u are

2004-07-30 [Kurus_Dreaon]: awww thankies *hugg;es*

2004-07-31 [maddydukes72]: :-D

2004-07-31 [Kurus_Dreaon]: im the best in your book?? really?....thas nice thing to say

2004-07-31 [Leelo]: lol

2004-08-01 [maddydukes72]: its true

2004-08-01 [Kurus_Dreaon]: hehe...tankies again

2004-08-01 [maddydukes72]: npnp

2004-08-02 [IndigoRose]: Stuck in a storm....playing the yes or no game with the thunder ^______^ Tis fun stuf

2004-08-02 [maddydukes72]: the yes or name game? whats that?

2004-08-03 [Kurus_Dreaon]: yes what is

2004-08-03 [IndigoRose]:'s where I ask questions that can be answered with a yes or no. i say one thunder clasp for yes, two for no. And it becomes really interesting when it's died down and can be heard far away. I ask if my answers can be close by and really loud so there's no confusing my answers.......and it happens.............

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